
by USDA Forest Service



FScruiser is the latest generation of timber cruising field data collection software created by the U.S. Forest Service as part of the National Cruise System suite of software. FScruiser is designed for fast, efficient, and intuitive timber cruising field data collection. It used widely by field crews to sample and record timber measurement information used to obtain volume estimations to appraise and prepare timber sales. FScruiser supports the following cruise methods: 100%, Sample Tree, 3P, Sample Tree-3P, fixed plot, fixed plot-3P, fixed plot count/measure, fixed count plot, point, point-3P, point count/measure and 3P-point, as outlined in the Timber Cruising Handbook (FSH 2409.12) Forest Service timber cruisers should coordinate with their Regional Measurement Specialist, or agency measurement specialist and complete recommended training before switching to using FScruiser V3. FScruiser V3 uses a different file format and is not fully compatible with all V2 applications. FScruiser V3 User Guide (draft) FScruiser and the National Cruise System (NatCruise) are supported by the Forest Products Measurements group of the Forest Management Service Center (FMSC), Fort Collins, Colorado.